Susanta Kumar Sahoo

Personal Blog

Where to Date a Girl in Bhubaneswar

Welcome to Bhubaneswar, the so-called Temple City is now home to scores of engineering colleges, management institutes and other vocational institutions. This effectively means you should no longer run short of potential dating partners. Ok, so you are new to the city, have already managed to find a potential date but don’t know where to date her, right?

Let’s face it – you don’t want to date a girl at Garage Chowk or worse, Mancheswar Industrial Estate. I mean, come on – those places are notorious for love but famous for finding your first job. Plus, the 3-tire city is growing in leaps and bounds, offering a unique opportunity to the young couplets to date at places that never even existed earlier. So consider the following locations if you’re out of your wits trying too hard to find a place for that perfect date between you and your sweetheart.

Water Park: Well, you might complain this one is quite far from the city, but then there’s nothing like dating your girl while you both are all wet, splashing water at each other. There’s something about this far-off place that inspires confidence for you in her mind. You can even treat her with some over-priced fast-food dishes and cold beverages. For very obvious reasons, the rain dance floors will get you both closer to the hilt, and take your chemistry to the next level. Better still, you can ride on those hi-speed rousing rides, if you both are a game to experience some aquatic adrenaline. At the end of the day, she knows you’re her man!

Sounds exciting? Oh wait -before you get ready for the ride in the water with your girl, consider splurging about a thousand bucks including the tickets (Rs. 200 per person), foods, beverages and caution money for locker facilities (100 bucks).

Botanical Garden: If dating your girl in a calm, cool and serene place is what you often dream about, Botanical Garden is the heaven for you. Located at Nandan Kanan, nearly 7 km from the famous Fortune Tower, you will feel very fortunate to spend some quality time with your girl. The zoo authorities and staff members don’t really mind what you are up to as long as you have valid tickets with you. After all, nobody would visit a far-off garden designed to inspire popular interest in tree plantation if it didn’t have any “tangible” benefits on offer.

Back in the yesteryear, the Botanical Garden at the Nandan Kanan Zoo was built to grow rare species of herbal plants and trees. Who would have thought such a place could also develop into a safer haven for the romantic couples! Even as the authorities have achieved their botanical aspirations without any questions, the activities of only some couples have remained largely “questionable”. However, nothing takes away the divine pleasure of being lost in the dreamy eyes of your beloved, regardless of your questionable behavior. Go man, get a life!

Indira Gandhi Park: If one goes by the name of the park, it should inspire patriotism. Ironically, it doesn’t. Located right in heart of the city, this park is an eternal favorite of the romantic couples and totally figures in the check-list of ambitious dating couples. So what makes it the most popular destination for dating in the town? Well, blame it on the beautiful green pastures, soothing breeze and of course, potential bushes – perfect for playing the hide-n-seek games for some couples. If you are less adventurous or dating someone for the first time, those serpentine walk-abouts might just lead you both to your some romantic rapture! Worried about the eateries? Don’t be! You have about dozens of mobile vendors on standby catering munchies. We assume nobody comes to the park with an empty-stomach.

Ekamra Kanan: Apparently the largest park in the town, it offers enough greeneries, flowers and strategic hide-outs for the romantic coupes for an unforgettable dating adventure. No wonder then why you would see many couples thronging the park even in the broad-day light. After all, when you get the perfect shade with a river in front of you for just 10 bucks per person and unlimited fun, who could resist such romantic temptations! Just avoid what rules are written on the sign-boards here and there, and you could just have the perfect date at the cheapest price around! Yes, don’t forget to carry your water bottle along, especially if your preference is broad-day light.

Forest Park: Since time immemorial, the Forest Park has hogged the limelight for making it to the top of the dating priorities for many couples in the city. Just get in the park, and your eyes won’t escape many couples cuddled up in every nook and corner of the park. But, don’t dread the scenario; the park is large enough to accommodate many more couples like you any day. For absolutely no entry fee, this is where the city has all the fun during the evening, come winter, rain or summer. You will want to carry a torch along as the lights go off sometimes.

Ekamra Hatt: Pick this spot if you dare date your girl in public or if your relationship has been socially certified. Although it’s pretty close to Ram Mandir and Cafe Coffe Day, it doesn’t have any potential bushes for playing hide-n-seek as such. Instead, it offers a wide range of open eateries where you can have a great time with no-guilt hangovers while you let your tongue do all the wagging and teeth all the munching. Plus, it has an amazing stretch of green pasture where you can sit relaxed and enjoy your date with pleasure.

14 responses

  1.  How can you miss Deras Dam? 😛

    1.  Deras is a big NO. In my next post, I’ll mention the places they shouldn’t choose for dating. Rest assured Deras will sure figure in there 🙂

      1. Raj Ray

        Why deras is a big NO..?? Isn’t a good place ..?? i also heard about the bamboo house where couples can book the house and can stay there. they also have a view tower beside to the house from where they can view the dam. It supposed to be a kickass place for couples ,So why NO…??

        1. Susanta

          Hi Raj, thanks for your insights! Deras is an awesome place, if the couples choose to stay over there during the winter season. They say the summer is usually not a very idea time to spend time at Deras.

          1. Raj Ray

            Hey Susanta, You are absolutely correct ,it will be awesome if we would go in winters ,we can enjoy the place and the bamboo house.

    2. Ashish tripathy

      Thanks , for the suggestion as i m outsider of bbsr bt this blog helped me a lot .
      forest park is awsome place nd after sunset the park is full of couples cuddling each other 🙂

  2. And you can consider Science Park too. And don’t think I am an experienced person. Blog responsibly. 

    1.  The list could go endless, these places are the most popular ones. This is the most responsible way I’ve ever blogged 🙂

  3. jyoti ranjan

     Adding to this useful list, Nicho Park , for the lovers who wants to enjoy the cuteness of their relationship,Defeating the matured complex love in an amateured way,the best time is 5pm-7.30 pm, enjoy the musical fountain sitting beside your sweetheart in the most romantic way,the cool breeze will do the rest,you can enjoy different adventurous games there and can come closer,family environment can give more secure feeling to your lover and  she can have illusion that u r a sweet heart, loves being child..haha

    price- 2 schemes
    1. Rs. 120.00 per person
    2.Rs. 80.00 per person

    ya…you can have cookies, coffee and ur sweet heart’s smile in that greenish environment 🙂 

    1.  Awesome addition, Jyoti! Will definitely try Nico Park sometime. It’s just a matter of finding a female companion 🙂

  4. bishwa ranjan

    Can you elabroate more about the deras dam and its bamboo houses. I am going to visit it with my girlfriend.

  5. shubha

    Its not feeling good to go to the same place every time.Except these are there any much more interesting and romantic place where we can enjoy the full day and that is full of adventures and like that.I am getting bored by going to the same type of places regularly.please suggest..

  6. Amrita priyadarshini

    See I am only 13years old I’m not thinking about job only I want to meet my friends so l just talk my best friends.

  7. hey guys and folks..its good to hear abt these conversation and i would b intrested to knw abt the dearas dam and bamboo house so i would lik to plan acrodingly so just to knw tht can we book the deras bamboo house ? is it has to b prebooked or on the spot we hav to book. FYI i must specify tht i will b going with my gf so is it allowed to book tht bamboo house and to sty ovr thr to enjy the scenic beuty?