Susanta Kumar Sahoo

Personal Blog

How to Choose an SEO Company in Bhubaneswar

Are you looking for an SEO company in Bhubaneswar? Choosing the right SEO vendor is crucial for your online presence because it can make or mar your future.

Gone are the days when a dozen of bad links wouldn’t hurt your SEO prospect. Thanks to Google’s Penguin updates, you must be very careful about the websites you are being linked to.

Google’s algorithm has become extremely smart at identifying unnatural and suspicious patterns in your link profile. Just imagine the damage Google will inflict on your website if it finds a lot of low-quality links in your backlink profile.

But unless you have reasonable knowledge of what SEO actually involves, and what modern SEO entails, the process of hiring the right SEO company in Bhubaneswar can be a daunting task.

But don’t panic! With the guidelines below you should be able to weed out the SEO agencies that are not worth your investment.

Check Their Website

One of the most important things to look out for in your potential vendor is whether they have a website to begin with. If they have a website, then you should see if it has a decent presence online.

While decent online presence can be subjective and relative, your objective is to see how well they have optimized their very own website to begin with.

There are some SEO tools to help you find out some important details of a website. This tool tells you the domain age and Alexa Rank of any website. Domain Age indicates the lifespan of a website; the longer, the better. Alex Rank of a website offers insights into the current traffic trends of any website. It also tells you the PageRank of a website but this metric has become rather obsolete for many SEOs since Google has decided to let the PageRank rest in peace.

Similar Web: This is another useful SEO tool that offers more in-depth insight into a website’s traffic. Not only does it say the estimated volume of traffic a website has received in the past 3 months, it also tells you the sources of traffic – organic traffic, paid traffic, referral traffic, social traffic et al. It has many other features but for our purpose, only the traffic data should be adequate.

OpenSiteExplore(OSE): The popular free SEO tool by Moz is a very useful tool to determine if your prospective SEO vendor has a decent backlink profile. It gives you details of the quality of links they have acquired over time. If they don’t have a decent backlink profile for their own website, they are unlikely to do a decent job for your online campaign.

Check Their Testimonials

Testimonials from past/existing customers speak a lot about the quality services provided by your potential SEO vendor in Bhubaneswar. If they have served any clients in the past, they must have received words of praise for their work. In fact, it’s very common for SEO agencies to request testimonials/acknowledgment from their clients because it helps them make a big impression and generate more leads.

However, it’s not surprising to find SEO companies posting made-up testimonials just to make an impression. You can find out if it’s fake simply by the very language used – grammatical mistakes, for example, is a strong indicator of bogus testimonials.

Another way to find out is to ask your prospective SEO agency if they would be comfortable with you contacting their clients shown in the testimonial section. Ask them to provide you with their twitter profile or contact number, for example. This should offer you ample insight into the originality.

Check Their Content

The content on their website speaks volumes of their ability to deliver quality services. Content is the single most criterion to drive your online campaign these days. If their content is weak, they are unlikely to be of much help to your SEO campaign.

It’s so obvious that it’s not even worth explaining much.

Check Their Campaign Strategy

Any SEO company worth their salt should be able to share their SEO strategy with you when they approach you for work.

SEO strategy is essentially a comprehensive list of campaigns an SEO agency would run on your behalf. It may also contain the details of the tasks they will carry out and the probable outcome thereof.

You may or may not have an incredible amount of understanding of SEO dynamics, but if their strategies don’t look professional enough to you in the first place, you can be sure as heck they are not going to do a really good job for your SEO campaign.

Check Their Packages

Until now, you have done a good job at determining whether your potential SEO agency in Bhubaneswar will live up to your expectations. But, if you’re not still quite sure, you can check their SEO service packages and see if you want to try them for a short period of time.

Maybe a one-time job wouldn’t hurt you much!

Some agencies offer a free SEO audit to let you know what they can do to boost your organic presence. There’s no harm in collecting as many of those SEO audit reports as you can – in fact, it’s like checking out the various properties from the local real estate companies. If you like them, you can go ahead; if you don’t, let them know you appreciate their time and you keep them in mind for your projects.

Take Away:

Finding the right SEO Company in Bhubaneswar takes some real effort but at the end of the day, it pays off. After all, who wants to hire a mediocre agency, or worse, an SEO freelancer, that does more harm to your online presence than good!

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