Susanta Kumar Sahoo

Personal Blog

Happiness is…

We often wonder what makes us happy or what happiness actually consists of. Turns out there are little things in our lives that bring happiness our way yet we fail to appreciate them. Here are some of those moments:

Boarding the Home Bound Train

If you’re someone who has to stay away from your family and gets to visit them only once in a month or so, you would know that feeling when you board the home-bound train and it starts chugging along its way towards your home. Suddenly, all the co-passengers that you would otherwise ignore on a busy street appear nice to you and you would even smile at them for no rhyme or reason.

Your happiness becomes all more pronounced seeing the train getting closer to your local railway station as you ready your luggage and walk towards the exit door.

Seeing the Incoming Call of Your Sweetheart

They say you’re happy when you’re in love but you have to be at the “receiving end” of the call to know what it feels like or what your life is worth when you’re in a relationship. That glee when the incoming call flashes on your cell phone screen as you move closer to pick it up. You have to be in a relationship to know what it means.

“You’ve got money” Updates by PayPal

This one is for those that have ever received funds from someone over PayPal. It’s hard to explain the joy that you experience when you get an email that’s titled “You’ve got money”. Well, agree the joy is short-lasting but it counts nevertheless. Call it your greed for money or just the happiness triggered by your ability to make money online.

Getting Notified by Google AdSense

Are you affiliated to Google AdSense and lucky enough to get a monthly check? Then you would know what I’m talking about. “You’ve been issued a payment from Google AdSense” makes your day, doesn’t it?

Talking about Google AdSense, just how often do you check your AdSense account to see how much you’ve made!

Receiving Notification for Your Online Order

Online shopping is the order of the day. For many online shoppers, happiness is just a click away. Placing your order online sure feels great but picture that moment when you receive an email that says, “Your order has been shipped”. Exhilarating, isn’t it?

Getting Likes Notification on Facebook

It’s absolutely amazing (and amusing too) to think how often people experience bliss in a day seeing an appreciation wrapped in red color. No wonder then why posting selfies has become such a roaring online trend on Facebook these days. Well, if a couple of Facebook likes to make you happy, so be it.

Being Liked on Your Instagram Photos

Cashing in on the popularity of selfies and narcissism, Facebook acquired Instagram last year. You can’t put a price on an app that lets people get a high from posting a pic on Instagram and getting liked for it. But, as per Facebook valuation, Instagram is worth 100 million dollars.

Being Retweetted

I have read this somewhere: “You are what you tweet”. Some even consider your tweets are a yardstick of your emotional intelligence and discretion. It’s understandable what difference a retweet makes to Tweeple.

If the above is true, here’s my tagline for Twitter: it’s where you pursue happiness within 140 characters.

Waking up to a Friday Morning

Trapped in a nine-to-five grind? You know exactly what I’m talking about here. Every day you must drag yourself to the daily grind but the last day on the weekly work calendar offers you that rare dose of self-motivation. The only thing that feels quite as great as waking up to smile at your little baby is Friday morning.

Seeing Someone You Like Smile at You Gleefully

Smile is infectious; we catch it fast and give it right back just as quickly. But it just feels divine when you see someone you like to smile at you gleefully. It makes your day and even you carry it around through the day and beyond. Ask someone who has a crush on their next-door neighbor or classmate and they will tell you what it means to them.

What’s the source of your happiness?