Susanta Kumar Sahoo

Personal Blog

Friday Dressing is a Myth

When I was young, I’d look at the ads on magazines and draw my inspirations from them. The magazines like India Today and Outlook would carry ads of Raymond and Allen Solly which would mesmerize me. I’d always dream of leading a lifestyle that would enable me to wear sophisticated clothing. Thinking of those conjures up just one image in my mind – Friday Dressing from Allen Solly. It’s been close to 20 years now, and I still have those magazines tucked away in my shelves. Whenever I visit my hometown and stay for a longer period of time, I tend to revisit my memories of the yesterday, looking at those old magazines.

Today, I can afford all those I’d dreamed of. In fact, I’ve done that already but looking back it seems like I was living a myth back then.

So why do I think I was living a myth back then?

It’s because I’m starting to realize the truth of life.

No matter how far you travel, you can’t escape the truth of life. No matter how much you make, you can’t defeat the deepest fears of your life. Every time I fly, I feel I carry the weight of my fears even more. Death is the only way to escape the mundane meaninglessness of life. The meaninglessness of life is the biggest burden. Sometimes, you can’t appreciate the purpose of life. It seems like an eternal struggle until the death beckons you. If you look at the vagaries of life, death lulls you to a divine serenity. It’s only on your deathbed where you realize the meaninglessness of life and that you have been a fool all your life. The sad truth of life is you become the wisest only when you realize the wisdom is worth nothing because you’re just breathing your last, desperately wishing not to, when the tears in your eyes blur the images of the ones surrounding you. You want to tell them life is short and not to let a moment go by worrying about the false pursuit of materialism.

Make no mistake – when you’re about to breathe your last, the last thing you’re possessive about are your belongings. It is the beautiful moments which you’ve cherished that make it hard for your soul to depart your body.