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Free Advice to Freelance SEO Content Writers
3 min read
Many SEO content writers undermine the importance improving their skills unless and until someone specifically points out the inherent issues in their writing consistently over a period of time.
If you’re an active Facebook user (or rather Facebook addict) who is conditioned to express themselves in a state of utter oblivion, make no mistake – you could be turning people off with your unwarranted updates that are unpalatable at best and offensive at worst.
How to Maintain Discretion on Facebook
5 min read
Being an Internet marketing and social media professional myself, I’ve come across many behavioural patterns that make me cringe and question users’ editorial discretions on Facebook. I’d suggest the following Facebook status tips in order to nurture a healthy online image and maintain discretion on Facebook.
This is NOT exactly the kind of post I’d like to write, but I guess I MUST. Despite being passionate about the English language, I’m still far from being perfect with my English writing skills. However, I cringe whenever I find people mispronounce or misuse some very common words in English vocabulary, which actually brings…
5 Facebook Behaviors That Ruin Your Image Online
5 min read
Just as you wouldn’t judge a book based on its cover, don’t judge me based on my Facebook profile yet! According to a recent survey, India ranks as the third highest Facebook users on the planet with around 38,045,000 Facebook users across the country. While this shows the burgeoning popularity of social networking sites across…
5 Ways to Figure If You’re An Internet Addict
4 min read
No shit, but it took me almost a decade to realize that I’m an Internet addict. If you’re still unable to find out, here are some symptoms.