Susanta Kumar Sahoo

Personal Blog

5 Ways to Figure If You’re An Internet Addict

No shit, but it took me almost a decade to realize that I’m an Internet addict. Well, it’s not just a problem but maybe, a huge problem. My interest in the Internet began way back in 2000 when I started learning the basic Internet skills and found how people used Google to screw their very own social lives. But, I loved it anyways. Unfortunately, for most of my friends who were glued to the Internet more passionately, Google was a fall guy. How? It didn’t take me too long to realize they were watching stuff online (no prize for guessing) under the guise of Google. But that’s even not the point; I think that’s a fair thing to do 🙂

But even before you know it, you’ve let the Internet creep into your personal life and grabbed every inch of your space. In other words, you’re a self-imposed Internet addict.

If you’re still unable to find out, here are some symptoms:

#5- You Wake Up to It

What’s the first thing that you feel like doing when you get up in the morning no matter when? Checking your emails, friends social profile updates on Facebook or Twitter maybe? Do you ever even shut down your PC or log out from your email accounts, instant messengers and social profiles for that matter? Maybe, you tend to wake up in the middle of the night and can’t resist the temptation to turn to your lappie (which is always on & hooked to the Internet) to check your stuff. Then you know it’s a sign!

#4- You Sleep With It

Wait a second, do you even sleep or you lose sleep because of it? Being online seems to be only thing on your mind when you’ve got nothing meaningful to do. And, the only ‘meaningful thing’ for you in the world is the Internet. You’re online even when you eat your dinner down until you feel sleepy, if at all. When you see those friends online with an irresistibly inviting green status, you tend to ping them all for no good reasons. Did you not just talk to them over phone this afternoon? Take notice; it’s sign#2 (not in that order)

#3- You’re a Facebook Fanatic

Whoa! Facebook is everywhere! Facebook is the new Internet for you and, now it’s even on your cell phone. You feel good about that, don’t you? You loathe friends who never know Facebook or have a FB profile. Worse, you define your closeness with friends depending on how often they update their FB profile or whether they like or commented on your status updates. You’ve even had an argument with your girlfriend (if you have one) over why she’s not as active on her FB profile as you are! You’re awfully addicted!

#2- Don’t Tweet ‘n’ Drive

What was the last time you survived an accident? On the road? No, it was while you were running down the stairs, updating your Twitter profile. You missed a step in the attempt of tweeting those 140 characters! Go get a life, seriously!

#1- One Night Stand with Torrents

When it comes to watching movies, Torrents is keyword for you. You download 10 movies at a time flipping all the Internet security caution to the wind! Worse, you support a whole gamut of online pirated video networks to run amok across the Internet. You stay up past midnight to oversee the downloading process, trying to adjust the setting to help the files download faster, and searching online tips to make your Internet bandwidth speed for quicker download of the movies on Torrents. Do you even go to sleep only find yourself get back up in the middle of the night to check the download status? Make no mistake, dude…you’re probably sick to the point of no return!

Do you think there are signs more alarming that these? Share them with me and other readers in the comment sections below. Who knows! Maybe you could do the Internet addicts a big favor!